The Wabash Trace Nature Trail has an exciting project to announce along the corridor in Imogene! We are currently accepting proposals for a kinetic sculpture installation that will combine the history of Imogene inventor August Werner (1849-1931) with the bicycle theme of the trail, be safe for users, and withstand permanent outdoor installation. This is a quick action project, with the deadline for proposals being March 20th, selected artist announced on March 31st, and installation of the sculpture by June 10th. A stipend of up to $15,000 is available for this project, which was made possible by the Iowa Economic Development Authority's Rural Revitalization Grant. It will accompany additional seating at the trailhead, interpretive panels (made possible by the Fremont County Community Foundation) and a grain bin wrap. Download the RFP below for more details.
Proposals and any questions can be emailed to:
Drawing below is by Larry Greenwalt, from Dr. Jerry Schmalenberger's book about August Werner and his flying machine. On July 4th, 1886, August Werner's creation lifted off of the ground (with varying degrees of success, according to onlookers) years before the Wright Brothers' first flight. More information about August Werner can be found at: The Flying Machine of Imogene - Iowa Fremont County Historical Society (

This is going to be Magnificent! My name is Melanie Norey and I am a Bike Rider and would love to receive more info about the trails! and please email me.